Not many companies can make such a claim, but at STRADO our total quality approach to workmanship
extends not only from our investment in the most advanced Repair and Realignment
Equipment but also in the highly trained and skilled Personnel we employ.
Throughout our years in business we have continually appraised and trained our staff to reach the
highest standards of workmanship needed when repairing an accident damaged Truck or Trailer.
The careful selection and intense training of our personnel has given STRADO an enviable reputation
for craftsmanship.
At Strado we strive to lead by example in everything we do. Our success can be attributed to the
passion, commitment and dedication of our employees, which is the true spirit of STRADO.
The word “STRADO” means “Road” and it forms an integral part of our brand, present within the
icon it represents our ultimate goal: “To lead the company and our customers on a long road to